It all began during the second half of the 1800s with a precious stone dealer who operated between South America and Italy.
He was Mirco Visconti’s maternal grandfather who, in 1947, established the company in the heart of Valenza. Since then, the family has always run the business with the same passion, the same dedication and the same skills, generation after generation.
  • 1870
  • 1947
  • 1956
  • 1979
  • 2001
  • 2013
  • Present
Foto d'epoca della Famiglia Visconti una storia di passione per le pietre preziose
It all began in far away Brazil. Here Francesco Villa, Mirco's maternal grandfather, traded precious stones between South America and Valenza. In the early 1900s, his daughter Clelia married Emilio Visconti, who at the time was already an affirmed setter. Passion, knowledge, and the experience of two generations were handed down to Mirco, who was capable of combining his love for jewellery with an unstoppable desire to know the world, be it large or small, to innovate, to grow.
Stemma Famiglia Visconti con diamanti e oro con il biscone e elmo
It was in this year that in via Roma, in the historic heart of Valenza, Mirco Visconti founded the company, which still bears his name today. The book of technical drawings used in the workshop was the first catalogue of Visconti jewels. Emilio himself had illustrated it, by hand. With that catalogue, the jewellery in a cardboard case and full of an energy that would soon have influence in the Valenza of those times, Mirco Visconti soon became extremely popular in a good part of northern Italy. He travelled personally, while his wife Angela took care of the company administration.
crescita dell'azienda
The first move to a larger shop, located in via Carlo Noè 24. How many kilometres did Mirco Visconti drive, on his inseparable Giardinetta. How much road he covered, with the determination of those who want to conquer the world and the satisfaction of those who achieve their goals. It is no coincidence that he was among the first Valenza businesspeople to buy diamonds directly at the Antwerp International Stock Exchange. He was also the youngest among the founders of the Valenza Goldsmith Association. Knowing, understanding, improving. Until the discovery that the world is not as big as it seems. Just take a few baby steps at the time, keep your feet firmly on the ground and you will get anywhere.
arte orafa come tradizione di famiglia
Enrico Liparota joins the company. In 1980, also Cosetta Visconti, Mirco's daughter, joined. In 1987, Enrico and Cosetta took charge of the company. A new entrepreneurial mentality for a further big leap in quality. Style marked by family tradition: solid training, in-depth knowledge of the trade, and spirit of innovation. Plus, the skills and energy to successfully move into new market scenarios.
nuova sede Mirco Visconti 2001
Opening of the current headquarters. The construction had begun in 1995, with a view to a new and important development of the company. Mirco Visconti grew and further expanded throughout the domestic territory, always staying true to the original spirit: a constant search for excellence. There is much more than a prestigious organisation in the multi-storey building in viale Santuario 3. There is the whole heart of a family that never stopped believing in its values. It is the seal of a success story and entrepreneurial style which laid solid foundations, worked, and kept on laying new foundations to continue its growth, making any endeavour possible. Because dreams only make sense if they come true.
foto ampliamento sede
The evolution of Mirco Visconti continued. The construction of the new building adjacent to the viale Santuario headquarters offered additional spaces to enhance all operations, from the shops to the managing department. But above all they became a tangible sign of that desire to grow that has always animated the company. A new major step towards the future.
ampliamento della sede con i laboratori nel 2013
The expansion of the viale Santuario headquarters was completed with the doubling of the commercial area, the manufacturing area, and the workshops. A continuous growth far looking in space and time, a path to be tackled step by step, a solid base created each day, from which to start again the next day. Past and present coming together, in an organisation embodying the highest and most authentic jewellery of Valenza. The future will not be a simple consequence but, once again, a path built with passion.
Foto di Famiglia Mirco Visconti
The most difficult undertaking is to respect one's own traditions, without giving up innovation. Keeping the same characteristics as always, even when growing, even when times change. Our company achieves all this every day by carrying on the dream, the ambition, and the love for beauty and value. It was like this between Emilio and Mirco, between Mirco, Enrico and Cosetta. And as of today, also between Enrico and Cosetta and their two eldest sons, Luca, and Michela, who are taking over a company that has its roots in the tradition of the most noble jewellery of Valenza. With the same passion and the same love for work and quality that has always animated our family.

Made in Valenza

In the goldsmiths’ district of Valenza, gold has been carved and precious stones have been set for nearly two centuries and today the city shines among the world's capitals of high-end jewellery.
Artisan technique, passion and ancient knowledge handed down from generation to generation, have built up over time a heritage of excellence.

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