The quality of a diamond is evaluated using four fundamental parameters: Cut, Carat, Colour, and Clarity However, Mirco Visconti adds a further and personal parameter: Choice or rather the “Fifth C,” undoubtedly the most important parameter to guarantee the perfect diamond for every jewel.

Compliancy with each parameter is classified and validated in Mirco Visconti’s laboratory by H.R.D. (Hoge Raad Voor Diamant) of Antwerp and IGI (Italian Gemmological Institute) certified expert gemmologists with the use of the best technologies available.
  • CUT
carato diamante Mirco Visconti
The weight of a diamond is measured in carats, which correspond to 1/5 of a gram. In its collections, Mirco Visconti offers jewels with diamonds of different carats and therefore, of varied sizes, in order to fulfil any wish.
colori dei diamanti Mirco Visconti
In diamonds, colour is a brightness parameter that indicates the colour saturation scale. The degree of colouring is classified with letters starting from D (perfectly colourless diamond) up to Z (diamond with intense colouring). For its jewels, Mirco Visconti exclusively chooses colours between grade D and H, the best quality that can be selected today.
taglio diamanti Mirco Visconti
Cutting is the art of giving shape, charm, and beauty to a diamond. From the typically classic 57 facets round brilliant cut to the most refined pear shape or emerald cuts, for its diamonds Mirco Visconti chooses the most refined cuts, in order to enhance the characteristics of each individual stone. The ideal cuts for shape and symmetry allow for the light to be entirely reflected in the diamond, emphasising its brightness and brilliance.
purezza diamanti Mirco Visconti
In the lengthy process of consolidating its crystalline structure, traces of small imperfections may remain inside the diamond. The degree of purity indicates the presence or absence of inclusions visible under 10x magnification Mirco Visconti usually selects diamonds with a degree of purity varying from IF to SI.

free from internal inclusions or blemishes*

very very small internal inclusions or blemishes*

very small internal inclusions or blemishes*

small internal inclusions or blemishes*

internal inclusions or blemishes visible even to the naked eye

The perfect cut is the cut that enables the diamond to completely reflect the light. On the other hand, an imperfect cut prevents the complete reflection of light, and the diamond loses brilliance.

anelli con fascia di diamianti
Choice is the value that Mirco Visconti adds to his creations because only an expert eye can recognize the “perfect” diamond. The secret is in the brilliance and only a very small proportion of the stones passes the strict selection. That's why the stones selected have a value that goes beyond market, regardless of their size.


The diamonds used by Mirco Visconti do not come from conflict zones or arms trafficking and do not exploit the dignity of those who extract them but, on the contrary, they provide a source of lawful and fairly paid employment. This is guaranteed by exclusively purchasing from suppliers adhering to the Kymberly Process Certification Schemes (KPCS). It is an international agreement between the UN and governments of countries, the diamond industry, and non-governmental organizations.

Each lot of diamonds is accompanied by a certificate attesting that diamonds come from sites with no relation to armed conflicts. Diamonds can only be exported to a KPCS member country and whenever they change ownership, they must be accompanied by a Guarantee. Like the one that accompanies each Mirco Visconti sales document.

MIRCO VISCONTI S.P.A. all our diamonds are purchased from suppliers who apply the World Diamond Council System of Warranties based on the Kimberley Process in order to ensure they have been purchased from legitimate sources not involved in funding conflict and in compliance with the United Nations resolution.

carta di identità del gioiello con indicazione delle informazioni del valore e appartenenza


Each Mirco Visconti jewel is accompanied by an identification tag with serial number that allows tracing each stage of the production chain: from the first processes to the quality checks carried out on each stone and on the finished jewel. As a further guarantee, each piece is laser engraved with all the information that define its value and origin.


Each Mirco Visconti jewel is covered by an international replacement warranty, valid for one year from the date of purchase. The coverage applies in the event of theft, mugging, robbery or fire. To guarantee its validity, it is sufficient to fill out the International Replacement Certificate and activate the warranty online.

certificato internazionale di sostituzione che assicura il gioiello per un anno
Team di esperti nella creazione di ogni gioiello Mirco Visconti


Creating beauty requires commitment and dedication. Behind each Mirco Visconti jewel there is a passionate team that seeks perfection in every gesture. A tight-knit group, directly trained within the company, which creates a value chain at every stage of the manufacturing process, from production to administration.


Dal 2021 Mirco Visconti e’ un membro certificato RJC. Si tratta di una certificazione molto importante rilasciata dal Responsible Jewellery Council, l’organizzazione leader mondiale nella definizione degli standard per l’industria della gioelleria. La certificazione RJC si basa su due standard principali:
- RJC COP: il codice di condotta che definice le pratiche etiche sui diritti umani, sociali e ambientali a cui devono aderire tutti i membri certificati.
- RJC COC: lo standard che definisce l’approccio per gestire e scambiare metalli preziosi in modo completamente tracciabile e di provenienza responsabile.

Mirco Visconti è certificato RJC oro e pietre preziose provengono esclusivamente da mercati controllati

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